"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Scout's Honor?!!!!!

Well... I have been duped I tell you! Several weeks back I was caught off guard by a very savvy salesman named Kyle. He, this curly, fire engine red-haired boy with a slight weight problem and freckles, came to me and used a genius sales pitch. He said to me, " aren't you the lady who wanted to buy some popcorn from me?" I said "No, but I might just take a look." Of course I did not want to buy popcorn. I mean, i know it's for a good cause, but I am into being thrifty. I am not above a straight donation to a worthy cause, but when I make a PURCHASE I like to get a value for the product. I knew that I would over pay...but I ordered from the kid. He got me with his freckles and curles and his big puppy dog eyes. I looked through the order form and chose the cheapest thing I could. It was a $10 tub of carmel corn.

I envisioned a giant tub of popcorn that a person could munch on for quite while, perhaps with several movies or chapters of a good book.

What I got was this:

a "Country Crock" sized TUB of of popcorn. It is shown here with Lylah's sippy to put things in perspective. I seriously had to laugh at the amazing job that was done on the brochure that enticed me and fooled me into believing that I was going to receive a normal sized container of popcorn. But I opened it and ate it. It was OK and Lylah liked it a lot. She has no frame of reference to base her judgement upon---toddler!!

Dear Boy Scouts of America,
You got me. Kudos on your keen advertising and well placed "all American" sales force! I will eat my popcorn, enjoying all 50 kernels in my itty bitty "tub." You won't fool ME again. No red-haired agent of pop corn robbery will pull one over on me again
. I will have my turn down speech ready. I will be strong. Your trick was not honorable, Boy Scouts. You now join the rank of the "charge more for a smaller box of cookies", Girl Scouts. I don't care f the Thin Mints are awesome right out of the freezer or if the toasted coconut and caramel and chocolate cookies (whose name I never remember) are the best cookies ever in the world. I will not partake in the scam any longer.
Mrs Jones ( fooled for the last time)
PS I am going to stand up to the 3rd grade candle pusher too. I'm not as sweet as I look, boys!

1 comment:

  1. I get duped every time too! but mine is usually from the PARENTS that have kids (in my office). I think there should be a ban on people bringing their kids crap around for you to look at. Who REALLY wants to buy another overprices, crappy, pumpkin scented candle from Home Accents? Really?


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