"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'

The leaves were trickling down onto a carpet of gold and rubies. The sun was sparkling perfectly through the leaves. And my sweet girlie was a picture of cuteness all ready for school in her new fleece jacket, sweater, jeans and pig tails. Her hair looks just like mine did when I was little. She is in constant motion now a days. All my pictures are of her moving one way or another. I love her running through the leaves on the sidewalk in front of our house here. She loves the Fall too. She squeals with delight to find acorns or a pretty leaf or a crab apple. I love that! Fall, leaves, and a precious girl...How could I ask for more?!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to try and leave a comment on every single post you did as an encouragement and a congratulations on doing so many fun posts, but I don't have time to do it right now.

    I LOVE these pictures though. The way the light is filtering through her hair and the joy you see on her face while she is running through all the leaves! Sweet! I can't believe how much HAIR she has. and it is so pretty.

    I loved her costume. and your tutorial. very nice indeed. It looks like she got quite the loot! the poop candy made me chuckle. I just tried to bribe Celie into using the big girl potty the other day by "giving her a treat like she had after Halloween night". Well, it backfired on me. When she heard the word treat, she shot off the toilet, ran into the kitchen, opened up the pantry and found a bag of lifesavers that she thought were her treats - they are really MY treats. :) She wound up getting 1/2 a chocolate chip cookie as a treat after eating her dinner. Ugh... will the potty training ever happen?


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