"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Baby likes Butter

The other night I gave Lylah a bath right after dinner. She was squeaky clean and lotioned and ready for PJs. I thought I had left them in the living room so I carried her into the room (wrapped like a baby in her towel-just the way she loves it). But I forgot that I had left the PJs in her room so I went to get them. I returned about 30 seconds later to this:

She saw me coming and tried to shove as much butter in her mouth as she could. See the cramming look on her face?! We had eaten dinner and I left the butter dish on the dining table where she found it and (literally) dug right in. Look how the 1/2 stick is practically demolished! I always have to keep the dish high up and away because she will drag a chair to the counter top for a butter snack if she sees the opportunity. It is not uncommon for me to open the dish, turn around, and turn back to find a finger scoop missing. Often when I am cooking she will ask for, "Just ONE bite of butter please Mommy." I will agree that butter makes it better but I don't go this far.


  1. That's my girl--I knew she had it in her genes!!!! Just add some sugar to that and we have a miniture Grammy inside of Lylah---I ate butter like that off the dish also--my grandmother would have to hide it--but when I came home from school when I lived with my aunt I can remember eating white bread-sugar and butter--YES!!!!!! still do by the way--but now I do wheat bread--it's healthier???? ha

  2. OH MY WORD! Love this. The cramming look is priceless.


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