"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Crazy Baker

Today Lylah got to go over to Grammy and Papa Jones' house for the night while Glen and I went out on a real date.  She was so excited over the prospect of going to their house that she was a silly thing all morning.  All of Glen's family (pretty much) have birthdays clustered in the Winter months, so we have been  having a Birthday celebration pretty much every time we go for a visit lately.  When Lylah heard she would be going to Grammy and Papa's house with Aunt Lori,  she thought party.  Party means cake!  So this morning she chose clothes to wear around the house and got dressed.  Then she ran to her kitchen and got all the things she needed to make a cake for the party.  She was having a fun time baking and singing "Pat-A-Cake".  Glen and I laughed and laughed at her get up.

front view:  Too small sweater, winter hat, painted nails, 
red apron, and cake supplies ( juice, a pot, and a spoon)

 Back view:  Too small sweater, winter hat, apron,
princess undies, and knee high socks
Crazy, No!?
PS  When Grandpa Jones was out getting the shopping done, he came across a tiny two layered cake with pink icing and roses.  He bought it.  So Lylah got cake. Her wish is their command.   It all comes from being too cute.  Grandma and Grandpa stand no chance. 


  1. She was so cute last night. As we were driving to Grammy and Papa's she saw all the cars going the same way we were and said they were ALL going to Grammy and Papa's! She sang some pretty good songs too-not sure what they were, but they were good :)

  2. I laughed out loud when I saw the rear view picture. That is too cute :)


  3. I was thinking..."that is not too bad, at least she is wearing stripes on both" but then I saw the back and her little buns with the outfit.

    I love it!

  4. Probally the cutiest little buns I can imagine--what a nut--love the outfit---watch out Tyra Banks!!!!! What a cutie pie


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