"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Here ya Go Henry

Lylah's job is to set the table. She loves to do it. So I usually give her the stuff she needs and she goes about placing them on the table. She is really getting the hang on getting the spoons and forks and knives in the right spot...when I am there for a bit of guidance. A few days ago I was cooking and she was so excited about setting the table for Daddy to come home for dinner. She reached in the cabinet and grabbed about 12 forks and distributed them all around the dining room and table. Henry even got one as he was sleeping under the table. I heard her say, "Here ya go, Henry" But is wasn't until later that I saw what she did. Cute.


  1. too cute. I bet Henry found it hard to use his fork since he has no opposable thumbs. :) (name that movie)

    I am glad little Lylah is all better. When I heard about what happened I cried for a good bit just feeling so bad for you and Glen (and Lylah of course). I could not imagine what was going on in your heads. Prasie God she is and was OK.

    You looked so pretty at the wedding. I love seeing all the pictures and hearing the stories. I thought the left and right mix up was a sign of extreme intelligence, that is what I have always told myself at least.

    the pictures of Lylah eating the beloved black cookie and in her hospital gown/bed were adorable. As were the sayings I imagined in the cutest child voice. :):)

  2. Sarah's friend, Char, just checking in with what's going on up your way. This little story put a smile on my face. It's really sweet!

  3. loved this story! loved talking to you tonight even more... you are such a gift to my heart.


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