"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kitchen Tent and a little Productivity

I was intending to spend a lot of the day in the kitchen cooking and freezing stuff so my week would not be so hectic....see, intentional. So I made a tent for Lylah to enjoy some time in the kitchen too. Otherwise I would be hearing a barrage of, "Mommy Hold You" over, and over, and over. a few months back Grammy gave us giant pillows and tons of extra sheets. So I put some of them together and draped them over the kitchen table and china hutch to make a tent. under the tent I put blankets on the floor and brought in Lylah's blocks. She brought in her favorite Mousie puppet, and Henry brought himself. So there she sat with several favorites, including blueberries and cantaloupe for a snack. Lylah was into the tent for a while. She did some building and some book reading and some reclining on the pillows. Henry on the other hand...He loved the tent. He took a bath and then settled in for the rest of the weekend. The pictures were taken over a span of about 8 hours form start to finish. Lylah to start. then Henry and Lylah. Then Henry alone. And then Henry still... hours later. The tent was a success and I got a Beefy Mexican Lasagna, Roasted Chicken, Chicken Salad, and Black Bean Tortilla Wraps in Chili Sauce made and frozen or ready for the week. Not too bad. No art though. But I was very accomplish-y. Kitchen is clean too. Now I guess I will finish my work work and then get ready for another week.
Oh made one more thing. I will have to do it again and take pictures along the way. I made Hulless Puff corn Carmel Corn. YUM!!!!! Lylah is a big fan. Mommy too. Daddy will love it too as soon as he gets a chance to sample. He is a busy guy today. Hope to see him soon home from church. I am off to get some walking shoes on for a quick go around the block with the nature hunter. Then it's off to bed for her and off to work for me...

1 comment:

  1. how sweet! Too funny that Henry was a hanger on to the tent. Great idea though. I wish I was eating all the frozen up goods with you guys - it sounds delish!

    We have the same mouse puppet but his name in our house is "Mortemer". I am not sure why, but it is what it is.

    I love the quilt. Just seeing it in the picture make me remember the old days with it.

    Thanks for posting so much great stuff. I love reading and seeing.

    Love you


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