"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I found It !!

Here is the scene. Jumping and naked. don't know where the toilet paper is now. Can't think about it. She gets plenty of exercise, I can tell you that much.


  1. Oh my word! I love this picture!!!!!

    I had no idea her hair was that curly ALL over. I love it! And have I ever stated that it is odd that she has your exact hands? celie has mine too. Ramdon traits we pass along. Unless, of course, you don't think Lylah has your hands. Then this part of the comment is null.

  2. She actuall has Glen's hands. She does my hand movements, if that makes sence. It was on of the first things I looked at when she was born. You know the web toes and the sausage fingers and short nail beds. Lucky for her, she got Jones feet and hands. So she will look good in both sandals adn nail polish...unlike her mama

  3. This was too funny--I laughed till I ----well you know--I am old!!!!! Too cute--She has hair like you--but I think Glenda has curly hair too---really cute of her--daddy just laughed

    thanks for the good start today of a laugh at my Lylah



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