"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." Anne Shirley
These are the happy days I wish to celebrate, and I guess I will blog about them.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beautiful Fairy Princess

We now live with a beautiful fairy princess. Lylah has been obsessed  with my make up and always wants to try a little.  She has also been delighted in nail polish.  We knew she would love a little make up kit of her own.  The other night I found one.  A Barbie make up kit with a huge amount of little girl beautification enhancers.  She was so thrilled to get it.  The lady at the check out said, "Have a good night," and Lylah said, "oh, I will. Thank you."  She thanked me about 100 times on the drive home too.  She tried it out as soon as we walked in the door.

There were hair pieces with beads, 4 little bottles of glitter glue posing as nail polish, tiny purple and orange lipsticks, glittery fragrances, eye shadows, lip glosses, stick on ear rings, stick on nails, 2 hair clips, 2 bracelets, a pink star ring, and the best thing ever, a pink necklace with a heart locket.  All of it smelled like an old lady and she was IN LOVE with it all.  She wore it all at once that first night and has played with it carefully and faithfully every waking moment since.

She said she would be married now because she had a ring.

She said she was a beautiful princess.

She has demonstrated how she can put the nail polish on all by herself and then blows on her hands and feet.  She has applied it about 400 times.

She can put the lovelies on Daddy and he is beautiful too. She even offered to let daddy wear the hair pieces and purple sparkle body glitter for work.  He told her that he was not allowed to look so beautiful at work.  She was happy enough for Daddy to be beautiful at home.  Good Daddy. 

Her lipstick application is a sight.  Her top lip only gets the color.  It is applied from the lip all the way up to the nose and then across the face to about mid-cheek. 

It's "real nice". 

Here is a picture of my Pretty Princess in her fist moments of glory. 

better shot of her purple glitter cheek and sitting with Daddy


Her make up is waiting for her even now.  She has placed it in a very special and safe spot on the door knob of her closet door.  I am sure she will go for it first thing tomorrow morning.  "Don't you just love to be beautiful in glitter, Mommy?"

 Notice the hint of eye shadow on her forehead and the shimmer around her cheeks?  You can't miss the joy on her face.  Love it.


  1. We knew the princess days were coming, but didn't they came fast?! LOL what a goof! She'll have to give me a make over :)
    Auntie L

  2. What a cutie pie--I love it--but i love her more!!!


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